Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ho-hum-Day 13

Today wasn't all that eventful. We went out to run an errand earlier today then I was working on something for college all afterfoon which I was putting off for so long! I still have another month of summer vacation left, so I am a little reluctant to think about school yet!

Things feel good. I just wish I could feel my lips more. I tried to drink out of a travel mug today but it was just too weird. Between not being able to feel the liquids going over my lips my elastics also got in the way. Paper cups work better because I can fold the rim into a "V" so I don't feel like it's going to go all over me!

I do feel a lump right under the right side of my lower jawbone just about halfway between the tip of my chin and the back of my jaw. It feels like a bruise when I touch it...maybe it's just a goose-egg I got from being roughed up. I had one on my forehead too! Well I'm going to see Dr B tomorrow morning for another checkup so I'll ask him then. I wonder if I'll be stuck with all 3 elastics still...hmm. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!! I'm so impatient!


Erin said...

Hmm, you made me touch my jaw line and and it feels bumpy. Weird. I wonder if that's normal?

Brandyleigh35 said...

Sounds like things are going pretty well for you. You are looking good...swelling is coming down and things seem to be progressing as they should. Soon you will be looking fabulous with your gorgeous new smile!


amycq said...

My smile is what I'm waiting to see next since I can tell now what my profile is gonna be like!

Yup, I explained it on today's blog. But it's normal...that's all I was concerned about!!